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Consumer Closeness
in the Age of Social Distancing

Week of 3/30: Lifestyle & Eating Habits

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While feelings of stress and worry have not gone away, some are looking on the bright side more compared to last week


Stressed/worried ?


Relaxed ?‍♀️


Optimistic ?


Bored ?


Peaceful ?


Increase in overall positive emotions, compared to prior week

Many are finding new ways to stay busy, and in the process, stumbling into hobbies or routines they plan to stick to even after social isolation is lifted

New Routines

Giving myself and my kid a routine. For example: getting up/going to bed at the same time. Daily walks. Eating at home more often.”

“I’ve been menu planning and assigning meal prep to different family members.”

“Routines and chores around the house have been delegated.”

Outdoor Activity

“I now take daily walks, whereas before I usually just went to the gym twice a week.”

I’ve started gardening as a way to cope with the boredom.”

“I plan to continue spending more time outside enjoying nature with my family.”


I picked up new hobbies like artistic makeup, graphic design, and sewing.”

“Colouring and needle point!”


Connecting with Loved Ones

Spent time reading to my wife and daughter, I would like to continue doing that.”

Family board games, playing chess, spending time talking and relaxing together.”

“Used masking tape to make a hopscotch on the hardwood floor, got kids baking & making pudding with us, jumped in puddles on the sidewalk out front, made non-alcoholic tiki drinks with umbrellas, etc.”

Relaxation, Health

“Reading, meditation more, yoga, working out.”

“I joined a group started by a friend on Facebook. It is a 90 day quarantined fitness challenge.”

I’ve started to do mindful meditation.”

Those with children in the house are quickly learning to find new ways to keep the kids occupied and entertained. Top ways include…


Letting them watch TV ?


Going for walks ?‍♀️


Reading books ?


Crafts ?


Online learning activities ?

While most are more comfortable cooking than ordering in, many are changing how they grocery shop during this time

To take-out or not to take-out?

…For many the answer is ‘not’


are more comfortable grocery shopping / cooking at home vs. ordering from restaurants

  • Definitely still open to ordering in from restaurants 43% 43%
  • Hesitant to order in, but I’d consider it 30% 30%
  • Probably would not order food right now 27% 27%

To stock up or not to stock up? 

Nearly half of Canadians believe stocking up is wrong at this time. While many are taking fewer trips to the grocery store, far fewer are making any lasting changes to what they buy 

  • Stocking is essential at this time 11% 11%
  • Stocking is somewhat important at this time 35% 35%
  • Stocking is not that important at this time 10% 10%
  • Stocking at this time is wrong and only increases panic 44% 44%


Are shopping for essentials LESS often


Have purchased new grocery brands / products & will continue to purchase

Where to shop?


are shopping online for essentials MORE

 Top online retailers being used to shop for essentials in the wake of COVID-19 include…





While online shopping is up, many are still going in-store for essentials in the wake of COVID-19. Top retailers for in-store shopping are…




To help understand the in-store experience, we asked Canadian Walmart shoppers what it’s been like shopping in-store amid COVID-19. While some express disappointment with out-of-stocks, the majority call out positive experiences, appreciating Walmart:

Keeping prices low?
Ensuring stores are clean and sanitized?
Keeping essentials stocked , limiting purchases ?
Implementing social distancing measures and staff protection ✋

In addition to changing how they shop, many have also changed consumption habits - for better or for worse


Say their eating habits have changed

Stress, anxiety & financial status all play a role in how these diet changes manifest

Aside from food, some have also increased consumption of alcohol and legal cannabis products – coping with boredom, stress, or a bit of both


of legal drinkers are drinking more alcohol


of legal cannabis users are using more

The transition to working from home is a big change for many over the past few weeks - while most are now set up with the technology they need, some are still struggling with establishing productivity and work-life balance


Are now working from home ? (among those who are working)

Those who feel their productivity has increased at home are in the minority

  • Say their productivity has increased 17% 17%
  • Say productivity has remained the same 51% 51%
  • Say their productivity has decreased 32% 32%

Top technologies used for workplace communication in the wake of COVID-19 include…

  • Phone 58% 58%
  • Microsoft Teams 31% 31%
  • Skype 26% 26%
  • Zoom 25% 25%
  • FaceTime 13% 13%

85% say they now have the technology they need to stay productive in their work at home.

Examples of new technology purchases to help with at-home productivity include…

External monitor
Computer cables

Other examples: Printer, mouse, keyboard

In addition to upgrades to home office set-ups, some are using new tech to improve productivity, while others are seeking entertainment!

"Using Zoom now to interact with people at work."

"I have a hand me down Kobo I’ve been trying out because I can’t go to the library but I can access e-books."

"My friends and I are going to use Steam and Discord to play board games online together for our friend's birthday tomorrow."

"Bought a Bluetooth dongle to connect controllers to my desktop computer."

"Only new item tech wise are new streaming systems. Love the variety and pleases the whole family."

"Tried FaceTime last week for the first time. Marvelous invention. Using WhatsApp more often."

Catch up on past reports: Click here.

A word on our approach

This research is not just another COVID-19 survey. This study was conducted using immersive mobile messaging-based conversational exercises that capture robust quant data and emotive qual inputs in real-time from our mobile COVID-19 community members in one seamless experience. Take a look at the video to see a demo of how our technology works…

Fine Print:
Field dates 3/27-3/30 Base: n=450

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