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Consumer Closeness
in the Age of Social Distancing

Week of 3/30: Lifestyle & Eating Habits

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While feelings of stress and worry have not gone away, some are looking on the bright side more compared to last week


Stressed/worried ?


Optimistic ?


Relaxed ?‍♀️


Peaceful ?


Anxious ?


Increase in overall positive emotions, compared to prior week

Many are finding new ways to stay busy, and in the process, stumbling into hobbies or routines they plan to stick to even after social isolation is lifted

New Routines

“I’m trying to have a routine and make sure my kids keep studying.”

“Stay away from news, keep in touch with friends, keep a routine.”

“I’m just trying to maintain a basic schedule and routine for myself.”

Outdoor Activity

“Started raising chickens and gardening.”

“We’ve been going on more walks and bike rides so I would like to continue doing that.”

“Taking my son hiking since we can’t go to playgrounds. It’s great exercise for both of us and good experience “

“We are walking 4 to 6 miles a day. We will want to keep this going as long as we can.”


“I’m practicing guitar more.”

“Learning new hobbies such as playing the ukelele.”

“I’ve starting penning some stories, and think that I should keep doing that. I also make music with my violin if I am really bored.”

DIY Projects

“I’ve done some remodeling of a bedroom downstairs.”

“I taught myself how to make bread, hand sanitizer and homemade vanilla and will continue to make these items even afterwards.”

Connecting with loved ones

“Playing a lot more board games with the 11 year old and he seems to be enjoying it a lot more now than he did before so I think we will continue to do that.”

“My kids and I are playing lots of games and doing puzzles, etc. “

“Have reconnected with people I’ve known from the past. Going to get together when the crisis is done.”

Relaxation, Health

“I’ve been making sure to include rituals that bring me peace such as coffee making and reading. I hope to continue this even after the pandemic is over.”

“Doing more yoga than usual. Reading some of my old favorites.”

“I’m also doing much more at-home cardio to keep my body moving even with my limited workspace. Doing these health-related activities helps to keep my mind occupied and builds confidence.”

Those with children in the house are quickly learning to find new ways to keep the kids occupied and entertained. Top ways include…


Letting them watch TV ?


Making them read books ?


Online learning activities ?


Homeschooling ?‍?


Taking them for walks ?‍♀️

While most are more comfortable cooking than ordering in, many are changing how they grocery shop during this time

To take-out or not to take-out?

…For many the answer is ‘not’


are more comfortable grocery shopping / cooking at home vs. ordering from restaurants

  • Definitely still open to ordering in from restaurants 29% 29%
  • Hesitant to order in, but I’d consider it 43% 43%
  • Probably would not order food right now 27% 27%

To stock up or not to stock up? 

While ‘stocking up’ has negative connotations for some, many are aligned to limit grocery trips during this time – as a result, diffferent products are making their way into shoppers’ baskets.

  • Stocking is essential at this time 20% 20%
  • Stocking is somewhat important at this time 47% 47%
  • Stocking is not that important at this time 12% 12%
  • Stocking at this time is wrong and only increases panic 22% 22%


Are shopping for essentials LESS often


Have purchased new grocery brands / products & will continue to purchase

Where to shop?


are grocery shopping online MORE

 Top online grocery retailers currently being used include…





For in-store grocery shopping, Walmart is the top retailer Americans told us they’re visiting

While some express disappointment with out-of-stocks, the majority of shoppers call out positive experiences in-store, appreciating Walmart:

Keeping prices low?
Ensuring stores are clean and sanitized?
Modifying store hours and adding “senior hours”?
Keeping essentials stocked , limiting purchases ?
Adding line markers for social distancing ✋

In addition to changing how they shop, many have also changed consumption habits - for better or for worse


Say their eating habits have changed

Stress, anxiety & financial status all play a role in how these diet changes manifest

Aside from food, some have also increaed consumption of alcohol and legal cannabis products – coping with boredom, stress, or a bit of both


Of legal drinkers are drinking more alcohol


Of legal cannabis users are using more

Want to catch up on last week’s results? Click here.

The transition to working from home is a big change for many over the past few weeks - while most are now set up with the technology they need, some are still struggling with establishing productivity and work-life balance


Are now working from home ? (among those who are working)

Workers are split on the impact to productivity 

  • Say their productivity has increased 24% 24%
  • Say productivity has remained the same 53% 53%
  • Say their productivity has decreased 23% 23%

I work probably more since there isn’t such a work/life balance with it all being from home.”


I’m taking breaks from work to go walking outside during the day, and I would like to continue this even when I return to my workplace because I feel like it helps me focus and be more productive in my work.”

Top technologies used for workplace communication in the wake of COVID-19 include…

  • Phone 40% 40%
  • Skype 34% 34%
  • Zoom 28% 28%
  • Microsoft Teams 20% 20%
  • Google Hangouts 16% 16%

86% say they now have the technology they need to stay productive in their work at home.

Examples of  new technology purchases to help with at-home productivity include…

New computer
External monitor

Other examples: Adapters, Printer/ink, Paper, Stapler

In addition to upgrades to home office set-ups, some are using new tech to improve productivity, while others are seeking entertainment!

"Microsoft Teams and Zoom are not things my team was using before the pandemic, but are very useful now."

-Definitely plan to continue using after COVID-19

"I’m using Zoom now for my college classes and for seeing friends/family."

-Definitely plan to continue using after COVID-19

"More TV/movie subscriptions and using lots of free trials like Starz, Disney+, Hulu"

-Don’t think I’ll continue using after COVID-19

"I ordered a kindle not my first one. Just want something easier to lay around with."

-Definitely plan to continue using after COVID-19

"A smart watch finally."

-Definitely plan to continue using after COVID-19

"Video games if that counts"

-Definitely plan to continue using after COVID-19

"Joined Facebook"

-Don’t think I’ll continue using after COVID-19

"We got a chrome book for my kids to do online classes (google classroom)."

-Definitely plan to continue using after COVID-19

 Click here to view results from all Past and Future weeks.

Fine Print:
Field dates 3/27-3/30 Base: n=450

-Q1. Tell us which of the following best describes how you’re feeling in terms of your mood today? (Single choice, Top % Selected Reported)
-Q3. How have you been keeping the kids in your household occupied and entertained?  (Multi-Choice, Among have kids in HH)
-Q8b. Are there any new habits that you’ve put in place to cope with the current situation, but also plan to continue when social isolation restrictions are lifted? (Text Entry)
-Q7.  Some people are stocking essentials to prepare themselves better for this situation.  How do you feel about that? Do you think… (Single Choice)
-Q8. Let’s talk more about how you are shopping for essentials (groceries etc.) in the wake of COVID -19. In general (thinking about both in-store or online), are you… (Single Choice: More/Less/Same)
-Q9.  And thinking about online shopping in particular for essentials (groceries etc.), would you say you’re… (Single Choice: More/Less/Same, Among online shoppers)
-Q10. Which website(s) have you been using/ are most likely to use to shop for essentials (groceries etc.)? (Multi-Choice)
-Q11. And which stores have you shopped at/ are planning to shop at in-store for essentials (groceries etc.)? (Multi-Choice)
-Q9b. What about your eating  and cooking habits, specifically? Have you changed your habits during this pandemic situation?  (Single Choice: Yes, No)
Do tell! How have your eating/cooking habits changed during this time? (Text entry)
-Q12. In this situation, have you discovered any new products or brands that you haven’t bought in the past? Do you think you’ll continue to use these brands/products once the crisis is over? (Yes, No, Not using new products) 
-Q14. Hey, while we’re on the subject of groceries and essentials, it would be really cool if you could give us a virtual food tour of the products you’ve purchased during this crisis.  We’d especially like to see anything that’s outside what you might ‘usually’ buy. (Video)
-Q15. What about ordering food for take-out or delivery from restaurants? Right now, do you feel MOST comfortable… (Single Choice: Grocery shopping/cooking, ordering in, equally comfortable with both)
-Q16.  Are you still open to ordering take-out or delivery from restaurants? (Single Choice: Yes, I’m hesitant, No)
-Q18. I’m curious, are you drinking more alcohol during this time than you have in the past? (Single choice)
-Q21. What about cannabis, are you using more legal cannabis products during this time than you have in the past? (Single choice)
-Q3a. We’re curious if working in this situation has affected your productivity at all? (Single choice)
-Q4a. Do you feel you have the technology you need to work productively at home? (Single choice: Yes/No)
-Q4a. And, what technologies are you using to communicate in the work place? (Multi-Choice)
-Q5a. We have been hearing that some people have had to upgrade/buy new technology to help with their work, What about you? Did you buy anything new technology wise? (Text Entry)
-Q6a. Let’s talk about how you are managing work. We are sure it is very important to keep in touch with your colleagues. Select all that apply! (Multi-Choice)
Are there any new habits that you’ve put in place to cope with the current situation, but also plan to continue when social isolation restrictions are lifted?  (Text Entry)
-Q3b. How have you been keeping the kids in your household occupied and entertained?  (Multi-Choice)

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