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Consumer Closeness in the

Age of Social Distancing

Week of May 11: COVID-19’s Impact on Shopping

As social restrictions begin to lift, the mood among Americans is improving.









Participants were statistically more likely to indicate feeling more positive emotions this week than in every week prior.

 As markets begin to open up, most are optimistic, but caution lingers.

 “How are you feeling that things are starting to open back up soon?”

Cautiously Optimistic




Not Happy

It takes 21 days to form a habit ...let's look at the new normal with Americans

During lockdown,  many claim to be making an effort, however most are spending more time in their pajamas, active wear and/ or casual clothes

 “What’s your ‘new normal’ dress code?”


I actually make an effort each day


Jeans, T-shirt, and bad hair day are the new me


I rotate through my sweatpants


I basically wear my pajamas until noon

 As the restrictions ease, there are a few spaces that Americans are looking forward to more than others. Here are the top spots:







Some companies are winning the hearts of their customers during this period of significant change

Time in lockdown is certainly changing behavior

While most are trying to maintain their current lifestyle and behavior, there are clear indications that they are doing more and less of things compared to time before COVID-19.


Doing more

Shopping for Clothes Online


Doing less


Doing more

Buying Electronics


Doing less


Doing more

Shopping for Groceries Online


Doing less


Doing more

Following NEWS
(TV, Radio & Internet)


Doing less


Doing more

Drinking Alcohol


Doing less

The time Americans are spending locked down is driving a change in their behavior…they are buying more things online, being more frugal with purchases and questioning their need to shop.

Stocking up

“I am becoming more of a bulk and online shopper, not buying just for a week anymore…the other day I even bought bread online”

Weighing my needs

“I am becoming more thrifty and weighing in on what I need Vs. what I want. I think I am more of a practical and planned shopper now.”

Focusing on the essential

“I am only buying things that my family needs…I realized that shopping for clothes isn’t really necessary.”


Have shopped from Direct to Consumer brands…which is mainly driven by:

Convenience (45%)

Better Price (40%)

Free Shipping (39%)

Catch up on past reports: Click here.

A word on our approach

This research is not just another COVID-19 survey. This study was conducted using immersive mobile messaging-based conversational exercises that capture robust quant data and emotive qual inputs in real-time from our mobile COVID-19 community members in one seamless experience. Take a look at the video to see a demo of how our technology works…

Fine Print:
Field dates 5/11-5/17, Base: n=346

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