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Nearly two-thirds of Americans want an alternative to their health insurance. A plan from big tech isn’t out of the question.

New learnings from Reach3 Insights’ proprietary
Digital Health & Wellness Research Program

Half of Americans wish to see greater tech involvement in their health care in the next 5–10 years, citing in-the-moment support & customizability as desired outcomes.


Want technology to have more of a role in their health & wellness management / routine in the next 5-10 years

What Americans have in mind when thinking of greater technological innovation in their health care: a central app to do it all, in-the-moment support, and help that is customized to their needs.

An app that does it all:

“I would like a safe platform for all my medical records to be in one place and accessible to all my health care providers, as well as myself.”

“I would like a specialized app that aggregates my doctor’s visits and any other health monitoring apps to monitor my overall health and offer suggestions and tips to make improvements.”

“An app or device that would track my overall health and put it in a simple user interface that I could read and understand. Basically how a computer runs a diagnostic check.”

“A one-stop digital platform that would monitor all health and wellness related information including doctor dates, med reminders, vitals, doctor contact and insurance information, test results, med payments, etc.”

In-the-moment health insights

“I would like my apps to be able to monitor my vitals daily/hourly and have this information be able to be relayed to a medical center that has my records and can see when I am out of norm or when something is tracking close to being out of normal. Then it could notify me of this case and suggest resolution to correct.”

“We have digital weights that are connected to Bluetooth or via an app, but you still have to get on it to verify your weight. How about something that can track your weight automatically via a wearable…or your level of sugar intake or even your blood pressure.

I’d like a mental health app that checks in with me a few times a day – one that asks questions and responds to replies with suggestions crafted to reinforce good days or coach me through rougher ones. Maybe it could remind me that a walk could be helpful, or ask if I fixed lunch today.

Customized health support

“I would like an app that tracks your movement, has every type of exercise on there, and has workouts personalized for weight loss needs.

“I’m a big older woman. I have osteoarthritis in my hips knees and back. I want to loose weight but due to my arthritis I can’t walk far or do strenuous exercises. I wish there was an app or some kind of digital technology that could help people like me to be more active.

Relatedly, over 6 in 10 Americans indicate they are dissatisfied with their current health insurance, and would like to see an alternative to plans offered by traditional providers.

It’s not surprising, then, that nearly 7 in 10 Americans (68%) could be convinced to opt-in to a plan from a big data tech company (i.e., Google, Apple).


Wish they had a health insurance alternative to traditional health insurance providers

Despite the general openness to big tech companies becoming insurance providers, over half of Americans say they would never trust a big tech company with their personal health information.


Would never trust a big tech company with personal health data

Americans’ concerns over big tech companies handling their personal health information center around how consumers perceive those companies to handle private user data.

Others simply prefer human interaction in their healthcare and find it to be more accurate – and they don’t want technology to change that.

Why Americans are hesitant to trust greater tech involvement in their health care:

This Focus Report is only a small sample of the research collected as a part of our larger ongoing TrendSpot: Digital Health & Wellness program.

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2021 Bi-annual Tracking of American Digital Health and Wellness Attitudes & Usage Behaviors

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